The Merry Crew of Captain Kidd Soundtrack

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Character Bios

Here is the cast of the Musical and their character bios. Let me know what you think!

Captain Maxwell Kidd:

Captain of the pirate ship Mrs. White. Captain Kidd is the son of Cait Kidd and Conall Wedderburn. Kidd kept his mother’s maiden name to spite his father for leaving him and does his best to do the opposite of what he told him to do upon growing up. Kidd and his crew find themselves raiding government ships to scour them clean and give their earnings back to the poor people of Newfoundland. Kidd is a proud spirit and loves the equally as proud Sally Ann Dhu. She is the only voice of reason that Kidd ever receives because Kidd’s crew is too loyal and eccentric to see any harm in his actions.

Sally Ann Dhu:
Sister to Johnny Dhu and the love interest of Captain Maxwell Kidd. Sally Ann is a very strong and beautiful individual. Her bright blue eyes and bright brown hair attracts every man in her hometown of Lewisporte. Sally Ann is extremely stubborn and does her best to try and get Kidd to make the right decisions and not steal from the government ships out at sea. Sally Ann eventually steals onto the ship Mrs. White to try and prevent Kidd from putting himself into any further danger.

Patrick “Paddy” Murphy:
Patrick Murphy is the First Mate to Captain Kidd. Paddy, as his crew calls him, is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but his cocky attitude often gets him into serious trouble. He is the most level-headed of Kidd’s crew, but his overly-cheery demeanor has been known to leave him open to getting caught off guard during combat. Paddy is extremely devoted to his wife Brianna and vows to do everything in his power to protect her from the corruption of the government.

Johnny O’Leary Dhu:
Johnny Dhu is the crew’s lookout and entertainer. Johnny is the brother of Sally Ann Dhu and does not seem to care that his captain is in love with her. His is the crew’s happiest denizen and can be found singing, drinking, and partying when not on the frontlines of battle. Johnny always seems to start trouble and then sneak out quickly while everyone else gets at each other’s throats.

Jack Hinks:
Jack Hinks is the crew’s sly thief. A shrewd and cheating gambler, he somehow manages to woo all the ladies and befriend and the men. He is somewhat mysterious but short in both stature and temper. If anyone finds themselves doing something he finds morally incorrect he is sure to let them know how he feels. He has been dubbed a hero of the poor and needy by the people of Lewisporte and is often the crew member that comes back with the most loot.

Luke “Lukey” Kelly:
Luke Kelly is the owner of the green boat Mrs. White. When asked why he named a green boat after the color white he said that it was due to the purity of the boat; that nothing is more pure than doing another man wrong for wronging someone else. Lukey is a cheery drunk and is often found sleeping below deck.

Jake “Jakey” Taylor:
Jake Taylor is the brother of the feared General William Taylor as well as the crew’s pantry suppliant. He steals food from the government ships that they raid. Often found visiting local taverns to pick up girls with Jack Hinks, Jakey is extremely devious and curious. Jakey is usually the first to break out a drink in a merry situation.

General William Moore Taylor:
The feared General of St. John’s, General William Taylor is the brother of Jake Taylor. He is a giant among men and cannot be matched in stature by anyone in Newfoundland. Although he is set out to bring down Kidd and his crew, he still shows signs of hesitation due to the love he has for his brother.

Brianna Murphy:
The wife of Patrick Murphy, Brianna is a simple market woman who owns her own stall in Lewisporte. She loves that her husband will do anything for those less fortunate than he, but she often can be found waiting for him down by the docks. A blonde with deep green eyes, Brianna is proud of her husband and lives for nothing else than to be by his side. Her unmatched love for him is envied by many of the women in Lewisporte and she is often talked about on the streets.

Billy Peddle:
Billy Peddle is the crew’s weapon’s master. Probably the quietest of the crew, Billy is an expert marksman and is responsible for staying aboard Mrs. White during raids and taking people out with his gun from the masts of the boat.

Cait Kidd:
The mother of Captain Maxwell Kidd. Cait is a humble housemaid who spends her time worrying for her son and late husband. She is often visited by Sally Ann Dhu who promises to get her son to do what is right.

Captain Conall Wedderburn:
The late father of Captain Maxwell Kidd. Wedderburn left Kidd to “fight off pirates” when Kidd was only nine years old. Wedderburn never returned home and Kidd vowed to do everything that his father disproved of after his father did not return.


Tim said...

How long have you been listening to Great big Sea? And how did you hear about them?

Adam Gonzales said...

About a year. Kit introduced me to them. Heh. The songs fit to make an awesome story perfectly!

Kris said...

you two smell. lol.

Adam Gonzales said...

Hahaha! Nice.